Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Does anyone know how to add pictures or cartoons to a blog? When I did the "Auntie Pearl" blog, also through Google, I was adding cartoons all the time. Now everything's gotten so complicated. And here's another thing: If I want to do extra stuff I have to read the instructions. Those with ADD (attention deficit disorder) know how we ADD-ers hate reading instructions. It is painful. For instance, we will wait  until the stove is on fire before we'll read the instructions on the extinguisher. I suppose I will learn by doing, by fumbling along.

The worst kind of instructions are the tech kind—so many ways to screw up. But I will force myself to learn. Every time I visit this site I will get a little better. That's what I heard is supposed to happen.

Regarding ADD, here's another thing I've got looming in my future: Yesterday I visited my dr. for my "annual wellness visit." They don't call it a yearly physical anymore, and he's not my doctor, he's my primary care physician. Why is it that when things change, they don't get simpler? But I digress. During my visit I mentioned the difficulty of finding a group for adults with ADD (You will notice I've left  out the "H" in ADD. That stands for hyperactive, and no one would ever call me that.) My dr. responded by saying that I should start a group.  I answered with, "I think I will." Before I could nip that in the bud we were discussing locations (my local hospital). Then he whipped out his prescription pad and wrote, Start monthly ADD group for adults.  Of course all the way home I was cursing myself. Yet on the other hand, it's not a bad idea. I used to belong to a group years ago. I basically know what to do. The most important thing is setting a time limit for talking, or as it's now called, "sharing." A couple of members in my former group had no "off" switch. More about that later.

In the meantime, I'm getting good comments about my latest novel, Phantom Baby. Readers tell me they continue binge reading to find out what happens to Iris. That is a good sign. Once again, here is the Amazon link to the book:

In the meantime, I'll try to brighten up this blog with cartoons, as soon as I learn how to upload them.